SKI: Levi (FIN), FIS World Cup, SL Women
Source: World’s best female alpine skiers return to Lapland as two slalom world cup races are held in Levi November 10th and 12th, 2023….
BADMINTON: Hylo Badminton Open Saarbrücken (GER)
Saarbrucken, Germany Oktober / November 31.10 – 05.11 2023
MARATHON: EDP Maratona Do Porto 2023 (POR)
Porto, Portugal 05.11.2023
CYCLING: Schwarzwald Ultraradmarathon
[TS_Poll id=”11″] 32. Schwarzwald Ultraradmarathon findet am 17. September 2023 statt… Der RSV Alpirsbach-Rötenbach bietet wieder ein herausragendes Radsport-Event, das in sportlicher, wie in gesellschaftlicher Sicht eine Bereicherung…
MARATHON: Helsinki City Marathon, Finnland
[TS_Poll id=”6″] Source: The 43Rd Helsinki City Marathon with a beautiful sea view and the city centre The Helsinki City Marathon has a long…
RUNNING: 10. Wings for Life World Run 2023
[TS_Poll id=”16″] on May 7, 2023 1:00 PM your time Source: At the Wings for Life World Run, everyone starts at the same time, worldwide. Professional…
MOTOCROSS: Motoclub MX Kopstal-Bridel 1962
Kopstal, Luxembourg 01.05.2023
MARATHON: The Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris 2023 (FRA)
Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris on April 2, 2023 Source: The Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris offers a unique opportunity to make the city…
RUNNING: 25. Postlaf Luxembourg 2023
25. Postlaf 2023 12.03.2023