Category: Country Greece (GRE)


Posted in @ Calendar Country Chile (CHI) Country Europe (EU) Country Finnland (FIN) Country Greece (GRE) Country Italy (ITA) Country Japan (JPN) Country Kroatia (CRO) Country Monaco (MON) Country Polen (POL) Country Portugal (POR) Country Sweden (SWE) Motorsport WRC Rally Year 2024

WRC Rally Calendar 2024

Source: and The origins of the World Rally Championship It’s 50 years since the first World Rally Championship but the origins of the…

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Posted in Country Greece (GRE) Marathon Marathon 10 km Year 2023

MARATHON: Athens Marathon, the authentic

Among all the Olympic sport events, the Marathon Race stands out as it was born by a true historic and heroic event.
This year, for the 40th time, 70,000 runners are taking part in the Authentic Athens Marathon to mark the anniversary in Greece. The marathon was launched more than 1500 years ago. Athletes run the original, the classic Athens Marathon.

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