ARCHERY: World Cup

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Season Results:

1. General information about Archery shooting (Tir à  l’Arc)

1a. The principal Archery shooting disciplines:

– Outdoor target shooting
– Indoor shooting
– Field shooting
– Nature trails

1b. Outdoor target shooting

distances 90 / 70 / 50 / 30 m for senior and junior men (+ 16 years old)
distances 70 / 60 / 50 / 30 m for ladies and cadets ( 14 – 16 years )
distances 50 / 30 m for minimes ( – 14 years )
shields 90/70 m = 120 cm diameter
forks 50/30 m = 80 cm
blasons for minimes = 120 cm at 50 m resp. 80 cm at 30 m

1c. Indoor shooting

distances 18 / 25 m for all
adults = 40 cm / 60 cm minimes = 60 / 80 cm

1d. Field shooting

variable distances from 10 to 60 m / known and unknown distances
shooting uphill and downhill on any terrain.
20 / 40 / 60 / 80 cm blazons depending on distance

1e. Nature course :

shooting at animal targets / shooting in the countryside
paper shields or 3-dimensional natural-looking figures
(e.g. duck, hare but also deer, bear, wolf etc. ) of various sizes.

2. Equipment:

Different bow models are available.
Bare bow: Bow without sight and accessories for instinctive shooting.
Recurve (Olympic) bows: with accessories such as sights, stabilizers, etc….
Compound bows: with accessories such as magnifier, release, transmissions etc….

3. The costs

Clubs usually provide beginners with introductory equipment, or with club bows if they have them.

If interest persists, personal equipment can be purchased in specialized stores, or second-hand.

Prices vary according to quality and level. (as everywhere)
A beginner’s bow costs around € 75,-.
Arrows cost around € 5,- / piece.
All that’s left is small accessories such as finger and arm guards, quivers, etc.
As in all sports, the price of bows and accessories varies according to the performance and quality required. Good competition equipment for beginners can be bought for € 300 – 400, even less second-hand. Specialized equipment, on the other hand, can cost the proud sum of € 1000 – 1500,- and even much more if necessary.

To take up archery, it is advisable to acquire a membership card from a federated club.
To take part in the various organized tournaments, you need a federal license.
This is issued by the Federation after a medical examination.

Luxembourg Federation of Archery

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