“Tour of the Alps” from April 15 to 19, 2024
Source: https://www.tourofthealps.eu/en
Tour of the Alps welcomes Daniel Oss to new horizons
After a remarkable 15-year career in professional road cycling, and having taken on a new gravel adventure, Daniel Oss has joined the GS Alto Garda organization as ambassador for the Euroregional event |
Renovating and innovating while staying true to its own and to cycling values: that’s how Tour of the Alps became popular among two-wheel fans. And this year’s new feature consists of a well-known ambassador for the Euroregional race: Daniel Oss. Besides the level of the athlete and his team-first mentality, with Oss, the GS Alto Garda went for a credible athlete. Passionate and bound to the territory, Oss recognizes himself in the lifestyle and the founding values of the Euroregional alliance Tirol-Südtirol/Alto Adige-Trentino, which the Tour of the Alps (April 15-19) takes to the worldwide scene.
“I am thrilled to join the great team of the Tour of the Alps, an organization that I first experienced as a rider, and that I have got to know from a different angle in the past few months. Athletes, stakeholders, and the fans love this event, and this doesn’t come by chance: behind the scenes there is an organizing staff that has introduced innovative solutions over the years. The short yet vibrant routes, the final circuits, and the reduced transfers are just some of the aspects that highlight how the Tour of the Alps bears an idea of cycling in which I fully identify myself”, said Oss.
Through this new experience, Daniel sets himself another goal: to get to know what’s behind the scenes of organizing a major cycling race, thus acquiring new skills. “I will collaborate closely with the marketing and communication departments, while trying to learn how things work in the organizational area. It’s still too early to say what I’ll be doing in two years, but the world of events certainly fascinates me, and I think I have enthusiasm and ideas to create something good: and that’s exactly what I found in GS Alto Garda”, added Oss.
As a first step, Oss performed the recognitions of the route stages of Tour of the Alps 2024, which will be published (starting from today, Friday, February 2nd) weekly in five episodes.
“Once again, this year’s Tour of the Alps has a terrific route, that has plenty of highlights: I’m happy to have the opportunity to show it to the fans”.
Following a 15-year career as professional rider full of achievements alongside the biggest names of world cycling – Peter Sagan above all -, Oss is now embracing a new gravel challenge. Looking back in the memories’ book, the 37-year old Trentino rider can boast the Fuchsia Jersey won in the opening teams’ time trial of 2014 Giro del Trentino with the BMC Team: in that edition, his team eventually won the overall with leader Cadel Evans.
“It is essential to value people such as Daniel Oss, given his sporting background and the stylistic trait he has always been able to express. In Daniel, we found a personality that is in full swing with the Tour of the Alps and its idea of cycling. We are embarking in this exciting project together”, claimed Tour of the Alps General Manager, Maurizio Evangelista.