Day: September 17, 2023
CYCLING: Schwarzwald Ultraradmarathon
[TS_Poll id=”11″] 32. Schwarzwald Ultraradmarathon findet am 17. September 2023 statt… Der RSV Alpirsbach-Rötenbach bietet wieder ein herausragendes Radsport-Event, das in sportlicher, wie in gesellschaftlicher Sicht eine Bereicherung…
MARATHON: Copenhagen Half Marathon
[TS_Poll id=”22″] SUNDAY // 17th SEPTEMBER // 2023 Source: The Copenhagen Half Marathon combines a world record course with sightseeing in a cool city. When the gun launching the CPH…
2023 European Table Tennis Championships
Source: European Table Tennis Championships for teams in Malmö Arena 10-17 September 2023 Results:—results—archive/ Results 2023:
MARATHON: 2023 Sydney Marathon, presented by ASICS
[TS_Poll id=”22″] from saturday 23:00 hrs (CET) to sunday 17.09.2023 06:00 hrs (CET) Source: We’re thrilled to announce The Sydney Marathon, presented by ASICS, as…